Monday, March 4, 2013

"Saltare ut Musicam Dungeon Remix"

As promised, I am following up with a rough draft of the remix of Splitzero's "Saltare ut Musicam"

This track was a lot of fun to remix.  This is just a short example of the direction I'd like to go with the remix, but I think it's a pretty solid foundation.  Enjoy!

And of course, here is the original song again by Splitzero:

Thanks again to all my readers!


  1. very nice, keep the remixes comming as for the original music loving them all


    1. Nice, thank you!
      I really have been churning them out a lot lately. It's nice to hear some positive feedback! I love making music too, no matter what kind! *like video game music* :)

      I can't wait to do some more video game type music in the near future.
